CoralBits (Straight to the Point)

CoralBits offers high-performance, powerful and easy-to-use libraries to build ultra-low-latency systems that produce zero garbage.

Data Structures

All data structures have garbage-free iterators

ByteArrayMap Map that uses a byte[] for its keys
CharSequenceMap Map that uses a CharSequence for its keys
ByteMap Map that uses a byte for its keys
CharMap Map that uses a char for its keys
IntMap Map that uses an int for its keys
LongMap Map that uses a long for its keys
IdentityMap Map that uses object identity when comparing keys
PooledHashMap java.util.HashMap fixed not to produce any garbage
FastIntMap A very fast IntMap for when max key is known in advance and it is not so big

ByteArraySet Set of byte[]s
LongSet Set of longs
IntSet Set of ints
PooledHashSet java.util.HashSet fixed not to produce any garbage
IntChecker A fast and clean bounded set for integers
IdentitySet A set that uses object identity when comparing keys

ObjectLinkedList Double linked-list of Objects
CharSequenceList List of CharSequences
CircularLongList List of longs backed up by a circular array
CircularQueue A fast and clean circular array implementation
IntList List of ints
LongList List of longs
ObjectList List of objects
ObjectLinkedList A fast and clean double-linked list that exposes its entries
PooledLinkedList java.util.LinkedList fixed not to produce any garbage
SortedLongList Sorted list of longs

CircularObjectPool Object pool backed up by a circular array (fixed size)
LinkedObjectPool Object pool backed up by a linked list (dynamic size)
ResettableObjectPool Object pool that can reclaim all objects very fast

Garbage Collector Utilities

MemorySampler Check memory allocated by the VM around any block of code
GarbageCollector Synchronous and predictable GC
GCSampler Check memory collected by the GC around any block of code

Memory Allocation

HeapMemory Allocates chunks of memory in the Java heap
DirectMemory Allocates chunks of native memory (off-heap)
MMapMemory Allocates chunks of memory through a memory-mapped file off-heap


SystemMillisecondTimestamper Uses System.currentTimeMillis() (millisecond precision – realtime)
SystemNanosecondTimestamper Uses System.nanoTime() (nanosecond precision – monotonic)
RdtscTimestamper Uses native rdtsc() syscall (nanosecond precision – monotonic)
SysTimeTimestamper Uses native clock_gettime() syscall (nanosecond precision – monotonic and realtime)


Benchmarker Benchmark with average, minimum and maximum time
DetailedBenchmarker Detailed benchmark with avg, min, max, percentiles, standard deviation and more


AccessorUtils Reflection utilities
ByteArrayUtils Parser plus various utilities for working with byte[]s
ByteBufferUtils Parser plus various utilities for working with ByteBuffers
ByteUtils Various utilities for working with bytes
CharUtils Various utilities for working with chars
DateTimeUtils Various utilities for working with date and time
DoubleUtils Various utilities for working with doubles
ExceptionUtils Various utilities for working with exceptions
IOUtils Various utilities for working with I/O
MathUtils Various utilities for working with math
NumberUtils Various utilities for working with numbers
OSUtils Operating System utilities
RegexUtils Various utilities for working with regular expressions
ShutdownHook Various utilities for working with shutdown hooks
StringUtils Various utilities for working with strings
SystemUtils Various utilities for working with system properties


CheapDataTimeFormatter Formats a timestamp (epoch) into a Date/Time char sequence without producing garbage
CheapDataTimestamperParser Parses a Date/Time from a ByteBuffer into an epoch timestamp without producing garbage

And much more…