CoralReactor implements its own non-blocking SSLSocketChannel
so you can have out-of-box support for SSL. In this article we show how you can connect to a SSL server (https, wss, etc.) easily with a CoralReactor client. Continue reading
Tick-to-Trade Latency Numbers using CoralMD and CoralGateway
In a previous article we measured the tick-to-trade latency using CoralFIX and CoralReactor. In this article we use wireshark and tcpdump to analyze the latency numbers of a test trading strategy that receives a market data tick through UDP using CoralMD and places a trade order through FIX using CoralGateway. Continue reading
Tick-to-Trade Latency Numbers using CoralFIX and CoralReactor
In this article we use wireshark and tcpdump to analyze the latency numbers of a test trading strategy that receives a market data tick through UDP using CoralReactor and places a trade order through FIX using CoralFIX. Continue reading
Jitter: A C++ and Java Comparison
In this article we write two equivalent programs in C++ and in Java that perform the same mathematical calculations in a loop and proceed to measure their jitters. Continue reading
CoralSequencer Performance Numbers
In this article we will present the latency and throughput numbers of CoralSequencer. Continue reading
Handling Socket Lagging during Write Operations
A common problem when working with non-blocking sockets it that a client may lag when the send rate is too high, in other words, the client will push out messages faster then the network card can send and/or the other side’s network card can receive them. That will cause the underlying write socket buffer at the OS/Kernel level to fill up. In this article we explain how CoralReactor handles this complex scenario in a simple way so that you don’t have to worry about it. Continue reading
Inter-Process Communication with CoralQueue
CoralQueue is great for inter-thread communication, when both threads are running in the same JVM. However it also supports inter-process communication (IPC) through a shared memory mapped file so that two threads running on the same machine but on different JVMs can exchange messages. This is much faster than the other option which would be network access through loopback. In this article we will examine how this can be easily done and present the benchmark numbers for IPC. Continue reading
Inter-thread communication within CoralReactor
CoralReactor was built on purpose, from the ground up, to be single-threaded. That means that no other thread besides the reactor thread should be executing any code or accessing any data belonging to servers and clients. This not only provides super-fast performance but also allows for much simpler code that does not have to worry about thread synchronization, lock contention, race-conditions, deadlocks, thread starvation and many other pitfalls of multithreaded programming. However there are common scenarios where other threads must interact with the reactor thread. In this article, we explore how this can be achieved while preserving the single-threaded principle, avoiding synchronization or locks, and generating zero garbage. Continue reading
Architecture Case Study #1: CoralReactor + CoralQueue
You need a high throughput application capable of handling thousands of client connections simultaneously but some client requests might take long to process for whatever reason. How can that be done in an efficient way without impacting other connected clients and without leaving the application unresponsive for new client connections? Continue reading