/* * Copyright (c) CoralBlocks LLC (c) 2017 */ package com.coralblocks.coralthreads.sample; import java.util.List; import com.coralblocks.coralbits.util.SystemUtils; import com.coralblocks.coralthreads.Affinity; import com.coralblocks.coralthreads.Processor; public class RotateThread { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { class MyThread extends Thread { private volatile boolean running = true; private int procToBind = -1; public MyThread(String name, int procToBind) { super(name); this.procToBind = procToBind; } public synchronized void changeProcToBind(int newProcToBind) { this.procToBind = newProcToBind; } public void stopMe() { this.running = false; } @Override public void run() { Affinity.bind(); int currProcToBind = procToBind; try { while(running) { synchronized(this) { if (currProcToBind != procToBind) { Affinity.unbind(); Affinity.assignToProcessor(procToBind, this); currProcToBind = procToBind; Affinity.bind(); } } } } finally { Affinity.unbind(); } } } List<Processor> procs = Affinity.getProcessors(); if (procs.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("No processors were found!"); int procToBind = procs.get(0).getId(); MyThread t = new MyThread("RotatingThread", procToBind); Affinity.assignToProcessor(procToBind, t); // start with the first one... t.start(); System.out.println("Thread started on processor " + procToBind + "..."); int timePerProcInMillis = SystemUtils.getInt("timePerProcInSeconds", 10) * 1000; for(int i = 1; i < procs.size(); i++) { Thread.sleep(timePerProcInMillis); int id = procs.get(i).getId(); System.out.println("Changing thread to processor " + id + "..."); t.changeProcToBind(id); } t.stopMe(); t.join(); } }